Rain Date:
Course Length: 8+ hours
Time: 8 AM to 6 PM (approximate end time) – plan to arrive a few minutes early to prep
Place: Miller, MO
Prerequisites: SCQB 1
Required Equipment:
– Semi-Automatic pistol and a holster or a Carbine with a sling, or both. Dummy guns are fine.
– A notepad and pen
– Eye protection
– A flashlight
– Weather appropriate clothing
At SCQB 2, you will tackle different door configurations, complex shapes, stairwells and stairways, increasingly skilled opponents, illumination issues, and more.
Participants WILL enter real-time scenarios and make critical decisions in force-on-force engagements. ALONE.
Performance expectations increase significantly at level 2.
Class starts at 8:00 AM and concludes at 6:00 PM.